尼日利亚警方警告说,被遗弃婴儿在增加,这一趋势与男子放弃怀孕伴侣相关联。 Nigerian police warn of rising abandoned babies, linking the trend to men abandoning pregnant partners.
尼日利亚在阿布贾的警察对被遗弃婴儿的增加表示关切,最近报告了两起新案件。 Nigerian police in Abuja have raised concerns over a rise in abandoned babies, with two new cases reported recently. 这种趋势与男子在使妇女怀孕后离开妇女有关。 The trend is linked to men leaving women after impregnating them. 警方发言人Josephine Adeh敦促男子承担责任,如果他们还没有准备好成为父亲,就避免无保护的性行为。 Police spokesperson Josephine Adeh urged men to take responsibility and avoid unprotected sex if they are not ready to be fathers. 尼日利亚面临遗弃儿童这一更广泛的问题,全国有数以百万计的孤儿和弱势儿童。 Nigeria faces a broader issue with child abandonment, with millions of orphans and vulnerable children nationwide.