随着投资者等待通胀数据和劳动力调查,菲律宾股票市场保持稳定。 Philippine stock market stays stable as investors await inflation data and labor force survey.
菲律宾股市本周预计将保持稳定, 菲律宾股市指数上周五接近6 603.81美元, The Philippine stock market is expected to stay stable this week, with the Philippine Stock Exchange Index closing at 6,603.81 last Friday, up 1.15% week-on-week. 分析家认为,在投资者等待12月通货膨胀数据(预期在2.3-3.1%)和11月劳动力调查时,应谨慎行事。 Analysts suggest a cautious approach as investors await December inflation data, expected within 2.3-3.1%, and the November labor force survey. 较低的通货膨胀数字可能提高市场情绪,而当地货币对美元的表现也将影响市场趋势。 A lower inflation figure could boost market sentiment, while the local currency's performance against the US dollar will also influence market trends.