纽约市与自1990年以来人数最少的警察进行斗争,目的是在申请人数少的情况下招募更多的警察。 New York City struggles with its lowest police numbers since 1990, aiming to recruit more amid low applications.
纽约市警察部队面临严重短缺,警察人数自1990年以来最低,近年来申请人数减少了55%。 New York City's police force is facing a severe shortage, with officer numbers at their lowest since 1990 and applications down by 55% in recent years. Adams市长的目标是征聘1 600名新官员,但申请人人数的减少构成挑战,部分原因是现任官员由于工作过量和审查而阻止其他人加入。 Mayor Adams aims to recruit 1,600 new officers, but the drop in applicants, partly due to current officers discouraging others from joining due to overwork and scrutiny, poses challenges. 受黑人生命物质运动影响的公众对警察的态度也发挥了作用。 Public attitudes toward police, influenced by the Black Lives Matter movement, also play a role.