真主党说,它不会阻止陆军司令Aoun的总统职位,但反对Geagea,因为与以色列关系紧张。 Hezbollah says it won't block Army chief Aoun's presidency but opposes Geagea, amid tensions with Israel.
真主党领导人瓦菲克·萨法(Wafiq Safa)表示,他的组织不会阻止陆军总司令约瑟夫·奥恩(Joseph Aoun)当选总统,但出于稳定性考虑,他反对黎巴嫩军队领导人萨米尔·吉亚吉亚(Samir Geagea)。 Hezbollah's leader Wafiq Safa says his group won't block the election of Army chief Joseph Aoun as president but opposes Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea due to stability concerns. Safa还声称真主党的力量已经完全恢复。 Safa also asserts Hezbollah's strength is fully restored. 议长纳比·贝里将与美国调解人阿莫斯·霍克斯坦就以色列侵犯问题进行谈话. Speaker Nabih Berri will talk to U.S. mediator Amos Hochstein about Israeli violations. 如果以色列不会在60天内撤出黎巴嫩, If Israel doesn't withdraw from Lebanon within 60 days, Hezbollah will decide on the response.