创业者Ankur Warikoo承认在书本上使用幽灵作家, 澄清他作为“作者”的角色。 Entrepreneur Ankur Warikoo admits using ghostwriters for his books, clarifying his role as "author."
企业家Ankur Warikoo澄清说,他的书是鬼写的,Nishtha Gehija写第一本并在三个月之内完成。 An entrepreneur, Ankur Warikoo, clarified that his books were ghostwritten, with Nishtha Gehija writing the first one and completing it in under three months. Warikoo承认他所有书籍都使用鬼作家, 并解释说称自己为“作者”是描述他在出版这些书籍方面作用的最简单的方式。 Warikoo acknowledged using ghostwriters for all his books and explained that calling himself an "author" was the simplest way to describe his role in publishing these books. 尽管存在争议,许多人赞扬他的透明性。 Despite the controversy, many praised his transparency.