由于法律担忧,英国图画小说家埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 传记面临出版障碍。 British graphic novelist faces publishing hurdles for Elon Musk biography due to legal fears.
英国图画小说家达里尔·坎宁汉姆 (Darryl Cunningham) 对于他的"埃隆·马斯克:对世界新主人进行调查"的传记, 很难在英国和美国找到出版商. Darryl Cunningham, a British graphic novelist, is facing difficulties finding a publisher in the UK and US for his Elon Musk biography, "Elon Musk: Investigation into a New Master of the World." 该书在法国出版,有正面评论,探讨Musk的生活和商业事业,但潜在的出版商对潜在的法律后果十分警惕。 The book, which has been published in France with positive reviews, explores Musk's life and business ventures but potential publishers are wary of potential legal repercussions. Cunningham认为,他的工作没有未公布的任何信息,尽管面临挑战,他仍计划继续更新该书。 Cunningham argues there's no unpublished information in his work and plans to continue updating the book despite the challenges.