喜剧演员萨拉·帕斯科(Sara Pasco)在英国广播公司(BBC)的“Saturday Kitchen”节目中遇到一个混乱时刻, Comedian Sara Pascoe faced a chaotic moment on BBC's "Saturday Kitchen" as she struggled with cutlery and frozen gherkins.
在英国广播公司的周六厨房节目中,喜剧演员萨拉·帕斯科不小心掉了她的餐具,并奋力地磨碎冰冻的羊毛,造成一个幽默的场景。 On the BBC's Saturday Kitchen show, comedian Sara Pascoe accidentally dropped her cutlery and struggled to grate frozen gherkins, causing a humorous scene. 事件发生在讨论食物趋势、欢笑与混乱的片段。 The incident occurred during a segment discussing food trends, amid laughter and chaos. 帕斯科参加演出是为了宣传她即将到来的巡演 Pascoe was on the show to promote her upcoming tour.