从蒙特利尔出发的巴士在纽约发生车祸,造成 1 人死亡、11 人受伤。 One dead, 11 injured in Adirondacks as bus from Montreal crashes in New York.
一辆载有23人从蒙特利尔开往纽约市的巴士在纽约乔治湖的87号州际公路上坠毁。 A bus carrying 23 people from Montreal to New York City crashed on Interstate 87 in Lake George, New York. 造成1人死亡、11人受伤。 One person died and 11 others were injured. 巴士载有23人,其中包括司机。 The bus was carrying 23 people, including the driver. 一名乘客受重伤,另外10人没有生命危险。 One passenger was seriously injured, while 10 others suffered non-life-threatening injuries. 一名患者被空运到纽约州奥尔巴尼,目前正在接受评估。 One patient was airlifted to Albany, New York, and is currently under evaluation.