拜登计划作两次关键演讲:一次是关于伊拉克后外交政策之旅,另一次是告别演说。 Biden plans two key speeches: one on foreign policy post-Iraq trip and a farewell address.
乔·拜登总统计划在离任前作两次主要发言,重点是外交政策和告别演讲。 President Joe Biden plans to deliver two major speeches before leaving office, focusing on foreign policy and a farewell address. 在他于1月12日从意大利返回后提出的外交政策演讲将凸显他为加强北约、美国在印度-太平洋的联系以及对乌克兰的支持所作的努力。 The foreign policy speech, set for after his return from Italy on January 12, will highlight his efforts to strengthen NATO, U.S. ties in the Indo-Pacific, and support for Ukraine. 告别演讲将反思他50多年的公职,包括总统任期。 The farewell speech will reflect on his over 50 years in public service, including his time as president. 此外,拜登将在新奥尔良会见受害者家属,访问加利福尼亚州,并前往罗马,计划签发赦免令,重点是离任前的判刑差异。 Additionally, Biden will meet with victims' families in New Orleans, visit California, and travel to Rome, planning to issue pardons focused on sentencing disparities before leaving office.