阿塞拜疆在伊朗的活动分子在大使馆放置花圈, Azerbaijani activists in Iran place wreath at embassy, showing support amid ethnic tensions.
阿塞拜疆南部积极分子在德黑兰的阿塞拜疆大使馆放置了一个带有支持信的花圈, Southern Azerbaijani activists placed a wreath with supportive messages at Azerbaijan's embassy in Tehran, showing support amid tensions. 在此之前,伊朗在Ardabil举行挑衅仪式,激怒阿塞拜疆族人。 This act followed a provocative ceremony by Iran in Ardabil, which angered ethnic Azerbaijanis. 该姿态突显了南阿塞拜疆和阿塞拜疆共和国之间正在进行的争取承认和团结的斗争,并提请国际社会注意。 The gesture highlights ongoing struggles for recognition and solidarity between South Azerbaijan and the Republic of Azerbaijan, drawing international attention.