阿塞拜疆议会在飞机坠毁的哀悼中, 向团结日与新年领导人发出祝贺信。 Azerbaijani Parliament sends congratulatory letter to leaders for Solidarity Day and New Year amid plane crash condolences.
阿塞拜疆议会由议长萨希巴·加法罗娃率领,提议向伊利哈姆·阿利耶夫总统和第一副总统梅赫里班·阿利耶夫发出一封祝贺信,庆祝世界阿塞拜疆人团结日和新年。 The Azerbaijani Parliament, led by Speaker Sahiba Gafarova, has proposed sending a congratulatory letter to President Ilham Aliyev and First Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva for World Azerbaijanis Solidarity Day and the New Year. 该信庆祝全世界阿塞拜疆人的团结,并祝愿一个繁荣的新年。 The letter celebrates the unity of Azerbaijanis worldwide and wishes for a prosperous New Year. 议会还对Aktau飞机坠毁事件表示哀悼,总统表示悲痛,政府继续进行调查。 The parliament also addressed condolences over the Aktau plane crash, with the president expressing grief and the government continuing the investigation.