2025年释放贝蒂·怀特永久邮票 以表彰她的电视生涯和宣传 USPS to release Betty White Forever stamp in 2025, honoring her TV career and advocacy.
美国邮政局计划在2025年发行永久纪念Betty White的邮票,作为一系列强调自然、历史和文化圣像的一部分。 The United States Postal Service plans to release a Forever stamp honoring Betty White in 2025 as part of a series highlighting nature, history, and cultural icons. 怀特因其70年的电视和电影生涯而闻名于《玛丽·泰勒·摩尔秀》和《黄金女孩》中,也是一位热情的动物倡导者。 Known for her seven-decade career in TV and movies, White was famous for roles in "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" and "The Golden Girls," and was also a passionate animal advocate. 预计该邮票将受到粉丝和收藏家的欢迎。 The stamp is expected to be popular among fans and collectors.