美国国会由四名韩国裔美国立法者,包括第一位参议员Andy Kim 开始。 U.S. Congress begins with four Korean-American lawmakers, including first senator Andy Kim.
第119届美国国会由四名韩国裔美国立法者,包括第一位韩国裔美国参议员,Andy Kim开始。 The 119th U.S. Congress started with four Korean-American lawmakers, including the first Korean-American senator, Andy Kim. 金赢得新泽西州参议院席位,他强调自己作为南韩和美国之间桥梁的作用,强调在北朝鲜核威胁等挑战中结成联盟的重要性。 Kim, who won New Jersey's Senate seat, emphasizes his role as a bridge between South Korea and the U.S., highlighting the importance of their alliance amid challenges like North Korea's nuclear threats. 这标志着韩国-美国在国会的代表人数显著增加。 This marks a significant increase in Korean-American representation in Congress.