民主参议院候选人Rep. Andy Kim在辩论期间面临身着北朝鲜国旗的指责,他谴责这一指控是仇外。 Democratic Senate candidate Rep. Andy Kim faced accusations of wearing a North Korean flag tie during a debate, which he denounced as xenophobic.
来自新泽西州的民主党参议员候选人安迪·金(Andy Kim)面临特朗普代表迈克·克里斯皮(Mike Crispi)的指控,后者声称金在辩论中佩戴了朝鲜国旗领带。 Rep. Andy Kim, a Democratic Senate candidate from New Jersey, faced accusations from Trump delegate Mike Crispi, who claimed Kim wore a North Korean flag tie during a debate. 金澄清说,他的领带以红、白、蓝条纹为特色,与他的西装相得益彰,并谴责克里斯皮的言论是植根于仇外心理的“令人作呕的攻击”。 Kim clarified that his tie, featuring red, white, and blue stripes, matched his suit and condemned Crispi's remarks as "a disgusting attack" rooted in xenophobia. 包括金正恩的共和党对手柯蒂斯·巴肖(Curtis Bashaw)在内的几位政客为他辩护,反对这些指控。 Several politicians, including Kim’s Republican opponent Curtis Bashaw, defended him against the accusations.