13岁的Tiarnán Trainor在北爱尔兰Killeavy附近的一次四轮自行车事故中死亡。 Thirteen-year-old Tiarnán Trainor died in a quad bike accident near Killeavy, Northern Ireland.
13岁的Tiarnán Trainor在北爱尔兰Killeavy的家附近发生四轮自行车事故后死亡。 Thirteen-year-old Tiarnán Trainor died after a quad bike accident near his home in Killeavy, Northern Ireland. 他是Bessbrook圣保罗高中的学生,也是当地GAA俱乐部的成员。 He was a student at St Paul's High School in Bessbrook and a member of the local GAA club. 学校和社区已表示哀悼,并正在向受影响者提供支持。 The school and community have expressed their condolences and are providing support to those affected. 警察正在调查这一事件,并寻找证人或录像。 Police are investigating the incident and seeking witnesses or footage.