Snowplow司机协助逮捕了一名27岁的男子,他在科罗拉多州I -70号公路上驾驶一辆偷来的汽车。 Snowplow drivers aided in the arrest of a 27-year-old man driving a stolen car on I-70 in Colorado.
在科罗拉多州Idaho Springs附近的70号州际公路上的雪犁司机帮助执法部门逮捕了27岁的Brendan Fooks,他当时驾驶一辆与抢劫有关的被盗汽车。 In Colorado, snowplow drivers on Interstate 70 near Idaho Springs helped law enforcement arrest 27-year-old Brendan Fooks, who was driving a stolen car linked to a robbery. 尽管警察试图阻止他,包括设置战术路障,但Fooks仍无法逃避雪犁线。 Despite attempts by police to stop him, including a tactical roadblock, Fooks was unable to evade the line of snowplows. 他因多项指控被捕,包括受影响驾车和持有毒品假药,并被发现持有非法闯入和商店行窃的有效逮捕令。 He was arrested on multiple charges, including driving under the influence and possessing drug paraphernalia, and was found to have active warrants for trespassing and shoplifting.