6个不同大小和特点的萨默塞特酒吧正在出售,价格从5 000英镑到1.5亿英镑不等。 Six Somerset pubs, differing in size and features, are up for sale with prices from £5,000 to £1.5M.
英格兰萨默塞特的六家酒吧供出售,售价从5 000英镑到150万英镑不等。 Six pubs in Somerset, England, are for sale with prices ranging from £5,000 to £1.5 million. 这些酒吧提供各种特色,如停车场、滑雪小巷和功能室,容量从35人至180人不等。 These pubs offer various features such as parking, skittle alleys, and function rooms, and range in capacity from 35 to 180 people. 位于不同的村庄和城镇,一些酒吧是传统式的,而另一些酒吧则有现代化的更新。 Located across different villages and towns, some pubs are traditional while others have modern updates.