参议员塔米·鲍德温第三次宣誓就职,承诺解决医疗、就业和边境安全问题。 Senator Tammy Baldwin sworn in for third term, pledges to tackle healthcare, jobs, and border security.
参议员塔米·鲍德温宣誓就任美国第三任议员。 Senator Tammy Baldwin was sworn in for her third term as U.S. 1月3日,威斯康辛州参议员 Senator for Wisconsin on January 3rd. Baldwin在11月击败了她的共和党对手, 计划与民主党和共和党合作, 解决医疗成本、创造就业机会、边境安全等问题。 Baldwin, who defeated her Republican opponent in November, plans to work with both Democrats and Republicans to address issues like healthcare costs, job creation, and border security. 她强调,她致力于降低家庭成本,保护妇女健康,并抵制外包工作的公司。 She emphasized her commitment to reducing costs for families, protecting women's health, and standing up to corporations that outsource jobs.