参议员塔米·鲍德温(Tammy Baldwin)提出新的农业法案, 援助威斯康星州的农民, Senator Tammy Baldwin pushes for a new farm bill to aid Wisconsin farmers and update agricultural policies.
参议员Tammy Baldwin正在推动国会通过一项新的五年农业法案,其中包括支持威斯康辛州农民的措施,例如为奶制品企业和心理健康资源提供赠款。 Senator Tammy Baldwin is pushing for Congress to pass a new five-year farm bill that includes measures to support Wisconsin farmers, such as grants for dairy businesses and mental health resources. 该法案还旨在提供清洁水,改进农业研究。 The bill also aims to provide clean water and improve agricultural research. Baldwin呼吁在年底前通过这项法案,同时指出目前的法案已经过时。 Baldwin is calling for its passage before the end of the year, noting the current bill is outdated.