俄罗斯警告说,在最近遭到美国供应的导弹袭击后,俄罗斯会进行报复。 Russia warns of retaliation after being hit by US-supplied missiles in recent strikes.
俄罗斯警告说,在面对美国提供的ATACMS导弹的打击后,俄罗斯会采取报复行动。 Russia has warned of retaliation after facing strikes from US-supplied ATACMS missiles. " ATACMS " 是一种远程导弹系统,用于最近对俄罗斯目标的攻击。 The ATACMS, a long-range missile system, was used in recent attacks against Russian targets. 莫斯科的威胁是正在进行的冲突升级的一部分,突出表明西方国家继续参与支持对立力量。 Moscow's threat comes as part of an escalation in the ongoing conflict, highlighting the continued involvement of Western nations in supporting opposing forces.