白宫证实俄罗斯正在开发反卫星武器。 The White House confirms Russia is developing an anti-satellite weapon.
白宫已证实俄罗斯正在开发反卫星武器,但由于该系统目前无法直接攻击地球上的人类,因此不会对人类构成迫在眉睫的威胁。 The White House has confirmed that Russia is developing an anti-satellite weapon, however, the system does not pose an imminent threat to humanity due to its current incapability of directly attacking people on Earth. 此前有大量报道称,俄罗斯正在扩大其在太空和网络空间的能力,特别是在与西方的紧张关系加剧之际。 The development follows numerous reports of Russia expanding its capabilities in space and cyberspace, particularly as tensions with the West increase.