警方在夏洛特逮捕了18个新年夜的夏洛特人,包括10名青少年,没有发生重大事件。 Police made 18 New Year's Eve arrests in Charlotte, including 10 juveniles, with no major incidents.
夏洛特-梅克伦堡警察局在新年前夕在上城夏洛特逮捕了18人,其中包括10名10-15岁的少年,没有发生重大事件的报告。 The Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department made 18 arrests in Uptown Charlotte on New Year's Eve, including 10 juveniles aged 10-15, with no major incidents reported. 警官缴获了6件火器,并对以前的少年犯进行了家访,以防止再次犯罪。 Officers seized six firearms and conducted home visits with prior juvenile offenders, preventing re-offenses. 还引述了被捕青少年的父母。 Parents of arrested juveniles were also cited. 去年,五个人在同一地点遭到枪击。 Last year, five people were shot at the same location.