1月5日至10日 北小岩城开放暖化中心 从寒冷的夜晚向居民提供庇护 North Little Rock opens warming center January 5-10 to shelter residents from cold nights.
1月5日至10日, 北小岩城将在北小岩社区中心运营一个暖化中心, The City of North Little Rock will operate a warming center at the North Little Rock Community Center from January 5-10, open nightly from 6 p.m. to help people shelter from cold weather. 中心提供膳食,参观者可以带来零食、饮料、娱乐和宠物。 The center offers meals, and visitors can bring snacks, drinks, entertainment, and pets. 各组织可在501-975-8780与中心联系,提供膳食。 Organizations can contribute meals by contacting the center at 501-975-8780.