纳萨拉瓦州州长解散内阁,于今天生效,但没有说明理由。 Nasarawa State Governor dissolves his cabinet, effective today, without specifying reasons.
纳萨拉瓦州州长阿卜杜拉希·苏莱已解散内阁,包括州政府秘书和专员,从2025年1月3日起生效。 Nasarawa State Governor Abdullahi Sule has dissolved his cabinet, including the Secretary to the State Government (SSG) and commissioners, effective January 3, 2025. 会议感谢即将卸任的成员所提供的服务,并指示他们将职责移交给各常务秘书。 Outgoing members were thanked for their service and instructed to hand over responsibilities to permanent secretaries. 没有具体说明解散的理由,但苏莱有改组国家行政机构的历史。 The reasons for the dissolution were not specified, but Sule has a history of restructuring the state's administration.