明尼苏达州州长Walz提出3 900万美元的计划,打击国家援助方案中的欺诈行为,包括人工智能检测。 Minnesota Governor Walz proposes $39 million plan to fight fraud in state aid programs, including AI detection.
明尼苏达州州长蒂姆·瓦尔兹提出了打击国家方案中的欺诈行为的新措施,特别是那些援助儿童和残疾人的措施。 Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has proposed new measures to combat fraud in state programs, particularly those aiding children and people with disabilities. 该计划包括更严厉的处罚,在刑事逮捕局内设立一个中央调查单位,并在医疗补助欺诈股增加九名成员。 The plan includes stricter penalties, a centralized investigative unit within the Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, and the addition of nine members to the Medicaid fraud unit. 沃尔兹还计划利用人工智能检测欺诈,并通过试点项目标明支付异常. Walz also aims to use AI to detect fraud, with a pilot program to flag payment anomalies. 这项提案在两年内耗资约3 900万美元,是他即将提出的预算的一部分。 The proposal, costing around $39 million over two years, is part of his upcoming budget.