Invesco的市政债券基金宣布,在付款减少的趋势下,每月有0.06美元的股息。 Invesco's municipal bond funds declare $0.06 monthly dividend amid declining payouts trend.
Invesco的市政债券基金,包括VMO、VKQ和VGM,每个基金都宣布每月每股0.6美元的股息,从1月31日起向1月17日记录在案的股东支付。 Invesco's municipal bond funds, including VMO, VKQ, and VGM, have each declared a monthly dividend of $0.06 per share, payable on January 31st to shareholders on record as of January 17th. 尽管有目前的红利,但过去三年来,这些基金的红利支付额年均下降10%左右。 Despite the current dividends, these funds have seen an average annual decrease in their dividend payouts of around 10% over the past three years. 这些库存在最近12个月的价格范围内关闭了大约9.76美元至10.14美元。 The stocks closed around $9.76 to $10.14, within their recent 12-month price ranges.