MFS High Yield市政信托基金宣布每月发放0.01美元的红利,收益率为4.89%,应于11月29日支付。 MFS High Yield Municipal Trust announced a $0.01 monthly dividend, yielding 4.89%, payable Nov. 29.
11月4日, MFS High Yield市政信托宣布每月股息为每股0.01美元, On November 4th, MFS High Yield Municipal Trust announced a monthly dividend of $0.01 per share, yielding 4.89%, payable on November 29th. MFS投资级市政信托和MFS特许收入信托也宣布股息为每股0.03美元和0.05美元,收益分别为3.90%和8.68%。 The MFS Investment Grade Municipal Trust and MFS Charter Income Trust also declared dividends of $0.03 and $0.05 per share, yielding 3.90% and 8.68%, respectively. 在过去三年中,所有信托基金的年度红利都有所下降,但继续管理侧重于免税和固定收入证券的投资组合。 All trusts have experienced annual dividend decreases over the past three years but continue to manage portfolios focused on tax-exempt and fixed-income securities.