一对夫妇在费城被SEPTA公共汽车撞倒,丈夫死亡,妻子住院。 A couple was struck by a SEPTA bus in Philadelphia; the husband died, and the wife was hospitalized.
星期五晚上,一对夫妇在费城Front Street街和华盛顿大道十字路口被SEPTA巴士击中。 A couple was hit by a SEPTA bus in Philadelphia on Friday night at the intersection of Front Street and Washington Avenue. 35岁的丈夫在现场死亡,29岁的妻子被带往寺庙大学医院,病情稳定。 The 35-year-old husband died at the scene, while the wife, aged 29, was taken to Temple University Hospital in stable condition. SEPTA和费城警方正在调查这一事件,事件发生在夫妇穿过街道时。 Both SEPTA and the Philadelphia Police are investigating the incident, which occurred as the couple was crossing the street. SEPTA已表示哀悼,并承诺协助调查。 SEPTA has expressed condolences and promised to assist in the investigation.