大学橄榄球季后赛拒绝重新安排保龄球比赛,使圣母大学的恢复时间更短。 College Football Playoff refuses to reschedule bowls, leaving Notre Dame with less recovery time.
大学橄榄球季后赛 (CFP) 拒绝交换棉花碗和橙碗的开球时间和日期,尽管东南联盟要求在比赛之间给圣母大学更多时间。 The College Football Playoff (CFP) has declined to swap the kickoff times and dates for the Cotton Bowl and Orange Bowl, despite a request from the Southeastern Conference to give Notre Dame more time between games. 圣母大学的比赛因恐怖袭击而推迟,与宾夕法尼亚州立大学相比,他们的恢复时间更短。 Notre Dame's game was delayed due to a terror attack, leaving them with less recovery time compared to Penn State. 咨询委指出,后勤困难和对其他球队和球迷的潜在干扰是未改变时间表的原因。 The CFP cited logistical difficulties and potential disruptions to other teams and fans as reasons for not changing the schedule.