中国官员在与台湾国家领导人会晤时,敦促与反对独立的台湾保持关系。 Chinese official urges maintaining ties with Taiwan, opposing independence, during meeting with Taiwan county leader.
中国大陆官员宋涛(Song Tao)在北京与台东县长Rao Ching-ling会面时, 强调了与台湾保持密切关系和反对台独的重要性。 A Chinese mainland official, Song Tao, underscored the importance of maintaining close ties with Taiwan and opposing "Taiwan independence" during a meeting with Taitung County head Rao Ching-ling in Beijing. Song强调以1992年共识为基础的团结与和平发展,这对双方都有利。 Song emphasized unity and peaceful development based on the 1992 Consensus, beneficial to both sides. Rao感谢大陆恢复从太东进口糖苹果,支持两岸交流促进和平和互利的主张。 Rao thanked the mainland for resuming sugar apple imports from Taitung, supporting the idea that cross-Strait exchanges promote peace and mutual benefit.