秘鲁Pacosbamba河的巴士坠毁造成6人死亡,17人失踪,25人受伤。 Bus crash in Peru's Pacosbamba River kills 6, leaves 17 missing, injures 25.
在一次悲剧性事故中,一辆从利马到秘鲁北部Pomababamba的公共汽车冲进Pacosbamba河,造成6人死亡,25人受伤,17人失踪。 In a tragic accident, a bus from Lima to Pomabamba in northern Peru plunged into the Pacosbamba River, killing 6 people, injuring 25, and leaving 17 missing. 事件发生在星期五上午,路况恶劣,可能是造成坠机的原因。 The incident occurred on Friday morning, with poor road conditions possibly contributing to the crash. 警察和民防小组正在开展救援工作,以找到失踪乘客。 Rescue efforts by police and Civil Defense teams are ongoing to locate the missing passengers.