BPA在达卡出售负担得起的家禽产品,旨在援助小农和稳定斋月价格。 BPA to sell affordable poultry products in Dhaka, aiming to aid small farmers and stabilize Ramadan prices.
孟加拉国禽类协会计划从1月12日起在达卡20个地点以公平价格出售鸡蛋, The Bangladesh Poultry Association (BPA) plans to sell eggs and chicken at fair prices starting January 12 in 20 Dhaka locations, expanding to 100 later. 这项计划旨在稳定斋月期间的价格, 帮助小规模农户生产80%的家禽产品。 This initiative aims to stabilize prices during Ramadan, helping small-scale farmers who produce 80% of the country’s poultry products. 《BPA》将市场不稳定归咎于公司集团,并敦促政府保护小农。 The BPA blames corporate groups for market instability and has urged the government to protect small farmers.