ZENZO在印度启动了AI-授权的全国救护车网络,有望在450个以上城市作出快速反应。 ZENZO launches AI-powered nationwide ambulance network in India, promising quick response across 450+ cities.
印度最大的供应商ZENZO救护车服务公司启动了一个由AI驱动的全国救护车网络,在450个以上城市提供免费电话号码和移动应用程序的迅速服务。 ZENZO Ambulance Service, India's largest provider, has launched an AI-powered nationwide ambulance network, offering prompt services across 450+ cities with a toll-free number and mobile app. 这项服务受到“一个民族”概念的启发,包括基础、高级生命支持和5G 伊斯兰法院联盟救护车,目的是提供15分钟的响应时间。 The service, inspired by the "One Nation" concept, includes Basic, Advanced Life Support, and 5G ICU ambulances, aiming for a 15-minute response time. 它承诺为紧急和非紧急服务提供一致、透明和负担得起的定价。 It promises consistent, transparent, and affordable pricing for both emergency and non-emergency services.