自2021年9月以来,设在利雅得KFSHRC的AI驱动的病人流动和能力指挥中心改善了保健管理,减少了等候时间。 AI-driven Patient Flow & Capacity Command Centre at KFSHRC in Riyadh improves healthcare management and reduces waiting times since Sept 2021.
沙特阿拉伯利雅得费萨尔国王专科医院的病人流动和能力指挥中心雇用AI公司加强保健管理和病人体验。 The Patient Flow & Capacity Command Centre at King Faisal Specialist Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, employs AI to enhance healthcare management and patient experiences. 自2021年9月启动以来,它进行了30多万次干预,减少了床位和紧急护理等候时间。 Since its launch in September 2021, it has conducted over 300,000 interventions, reducing bed and emergency care waiting times. 该中心侧重于需求预测、监测病人流动和出行以及工作室效率。 The centre focuses on demand prediction, monitoring patient flow and journeys, and operating room efficiency. KFSHRC是全球领先的学术医疗中心。 KFSHRC ranks as a leading academic medical center globally.