由于金融斗争,西方资源公司因财务报告延迟而面临交易停顿。 Western Resources Corp. faces trading halt for delayed financial reports due to financial struggles.
加拿大矿业公司West Resources Corp.收到了不列颠哥伦比亚省证券委员会的一项管理停火贸易令,原因是财政困难导致年度财务申报延迟。 Western Resources Corp., a Canadian mining company, received a Management Cease Trade Order from the British Columbia Securities Commission due to delayed annual financial filings, attributed to financial hardships. 在2025年2月28日前完成申报之前,内部人员不得交易公司证券,但其他股东仍然可以自由交易。 Insiders are barred from trading company securities until the filings are completed by February 28, 2025, but other shareholders can still trade freely. 该公司正在努力确保新的投资,以解决其财务问题。 The company is working to secure new investments to address its financial issues.