随着桑迪普·辛格成为首席执行官和总裁,以加拿大可持续采矿为重点,西铜和黄金的过渡领导地位也随之提高。 Western Copper and Gold transitions leadership as Sandeep Singh becomes CEO and President, focusing on sustainable mining in Canada.
西铜和黄金公司已完成了领导权过渡,保罗·西赛尔斯博士辞去总统职务,桑迪普·辛格随同其首席执行官职务接任。 Western Copper and Gold Corporation has completed its leadership transition, with Dr. Paul West-Sells stepping down as President and Sandeep Singh taking on the role along with his CEO position. 该公司的重点是开发赌场项目,这是加拿大育空地区一家大型铜金矿。 The company is focused on developing the Casino Project, a major copper-gold mine in Canada's Yukon Territory. 西铜和黄金公司以新的专业人员支持其团队,旨在采用负责任的采矿做法,并与当地社区密切合作。 Western Copper and Gold has bolstered its team with new professionals, aiming to use responsible mining practices and work closely with local communities. 但是,该公司注意到可能影响项目进展和成功的风险和不确定因素。 However, the company notes risks and uncertainties that could affect the project's progress and success.