周五上午,查尔斯顿 I-77 公路上的拖拉机拖车相撞和起火关闭了北向车道。 Tractor-trailer crash and fire on I-77 in Charleston closed northbound lanes Friday morning.
查尔斯顿I-77号公路Smith Street附近发生拖拉机-拖拉机事故,致使北行道于星期五清晨关闭。 A tractor-trailer accident near Smith Street on I-77 in Charleston caused the northbound lanes to close early Friday morning. 这起车祸涉及一辆翻倒并起火的平板牵引拖车,导致交通改道,直到清理后上午 7 点 13 分左右道路重新开放。 The crash, which involved a flatbed tractor-trailer that overturned and caught fire, led to traffic diversions until the road reopened around 7:13 AM after cleanup. 尚未获得司机可能受伤的详细情况。 Details on potential injuries to the driver are not yet available.