亚马逊卡车在西弗吉尼亚州的公路上车, 关闭一条车道, 造成延误. Amazon truck jack-knifed on West Virginia Turnpike, closing a lane and causing delays.
一辆亚马逊拖拉机在圣诞节前夕早上9点40分左右 坠毁在西弗吉尼亚州马迈特附近的 特恩皮克街上 导致卡车撞进一辆护栏 An Amazon tractor-trailer crashed on the West Virginia Turnpike near Marmet around 9:40 a.m. on Christmas Eve, causing the truck to jack-knife into a guardrail. 77号州际公路的北行慢道因事故关闭,导致该地区交通延误。 The northbound slow lane on Interstate 77 is closed due to the accident, leading to traffic delays in the area. 清理和清除工作正在进行之中。 Cleanup and clearance efforts are ongoing.