Rochester的SUV司机在与RTS公共汽车正面碰撞时受重伤;一些乘客受伤。 SUV driver seriously injured in head-on collision with RTS bus in Rochester; some passengers hurt.
星期五上午,一辆SUV和一辆RTS公共汽车在罗切斯特Bay Street发生正面碰撞。 A head-on collision occurred between an SUV and an RTS bus on Bay Street in Rochester on Friday morning. 这名SUV司机是一名31岁的妇女,伤势严重,被送往“强力医院”,一些公共汽车乘客受轻伤。 The SUV driver, a 31-year-old woman, was seriously injured and taken to Strong Hospital, while some bus passengers suffered minor injuries. Rochester警察局正在调查原因,似乎涉及SUV向对面车道倾斜。 The Rochester Police Department is investigating the cause, which appears to involve the SUV swerving into the opposite lane. 没有人员死亡的报告。 No fatalities were reported.