星巴克加了科塔多, 布朗糖 Oatmilk Cortado, 以及素食者Spicy Falafel Pocket。 Starbucks adds Cortado, Brown Sugar Oatmilk Cortado, and a vegan Spicy Falafel Pocket to its menu.
Starbucks将Cortado和Brown Sugar Oatmilk Cortado介绍为从1月3日开始的永久菜单, Starbucks introduces the Cortado and Brown Sugar Oatmilk Cortado to its permanent menu starting Jan. 3, alongside the return of the Pistachio Latte and Cream Cold Brew for winter. Cortado是西班牙的饮料,含等分咖啡和牛奶,而Brown Sugar Oatmilk Cortado则添加燕麦、棕糖和肉桂。 The Cortado is a Spanish drink with equal parts espresso and milk, while the Brown Sugar Oatmilk Cortado adds oat milk, brown sugar, and cinnamon. 此外,菜单中增加了一个新的素食者辣妹法拉费·皮克特(Vegan Spicy Falafel Pocket)菜片。 Additionally, a new vegan Spicy Falafel Pocket is added to the menu.