星巴克推出2024年的假日菜单, 配有经典品和新饮料, 提供免费可重复使用的红杯。 Starbucks unveils its 2024 holiday menu with classics and new drinks, offering free reusable red cups.
星巴克已推出其2024年假日菜单, 与经典饮料如Caramel Brulée Latte, 以及新的节日活动选项, Starbucks has launched its 2024 holiday menu with classic drinks like the Caramel Brulée Latte and new festive options, offering free reusable red cups with purchases. 菜单中包括节日主题的饮料,如Candy Corn Latte。 The menu includes holiday-themed drinks like the Candy Corn Latte. 其他快餐连锁店也正在引进特殊假日用品,包括独特的三明治和玉米卷。 Other fast-food chains are also introducing special holiday items, including unique sandwiches and burritos.