共和党对2024年选票计票的信心 升至60%, 由20%上升, 提升了美国的整体信心。 Republican confidence in the 2024 vote count accuracy surged to 60%, up from 20%, boosting overall American confidence.
共和党在唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的选举中获胜后, 对2024年选票计票准确性的信心在共和党人中激增。 A new poll by The Associated Press-NORC Center reveals that confidence in the accuracy of the 2024 vote count has surged among Republicans following Donald Trump's election win. 大约60%的共和党人现在对全国选票计数表示高度信任,比10月的20%有所上升。 About 60% of Republicans now express high confidence in the national vote count, up from 20% in October. 这一转变还导致美国整体信心的提高,现在60%表示高度信心,比10月的50%有所增加。 This shift has also led to an increase in overall American confidence, with 60% now expressing high confidence, up from 50% in October.