2024年选举创纪录的选民投票率与预期不符,共和党表现强劲。 Record voter turnout in 2024 election defied expectations, with Republicans performing strongly.
美国总统大选于2024年举行, 选民投票率创下记录, 超过1.52亿张选票, 接近2020年水平, The 2024 US presidential election saw record-high voter turnout, with over 152 million ballots cast, approaching the 2020 levels. 与预期相反,共和党在高投票率选举中表现良好,挑战了民主派从选民高参与中获得最大好处的信念。 Contrary to expectations, Republicans did well in the high-turnout election, challenging the belief that Democrats benefit most from high voter participation. 周期性各州的投票率特别高,扭转了非竞争国家的趋势。 The turnout was particularly high in swing states, reversing the trend in non-competitive states. 这样的结果可能会缓和选举规则方面的紧张。 This result may ease tensions over election rules.