星期五,一名男子在市中心公寓楼被刺伤,疑犯逃跑;调查仍在进行。 A man was stabbed in a downtown apartment building on Friday and the suspect fled; investigation ongoing.
麦迪逊警方正在调查周五晚上在东约翰逊街市中心一栋公寓楼发生的刺伤事件。 Madison Police are investigating a stabbing that occurred Friday night in a downtown apartment building on East Johnson Street. 一名男子报告说,在他要求一名女子移动后,他在楼梯间被她刺伤。 A man reported being stabbed by a woman in a stairwell after he asked her to move. 该妇女逃离现场,受害者被送往医院治疗。 The woman fled the scene, and the victim was transported to a hospital for treatment. 截至星期三下午,没有逮捕任何人,调查正在进行中。 As of Wednesday afternoon, no arrests have been made, and the investigation is ongoing.