巴基斯坦俾路支人大会通过决议促进旅行、通信和教育。 Pakistan's Balochistan Assembly adopts resolutions to boost travel, communication, and education.
巴基斯坦俾路支省议会已通过决议,恢复前往其他省份的客运列车服务,将 Washuk 选区一分为二,并在 Panjgur 恢复 4G 互联网。 The Balochistan Assembly in Pakistan has adopted resolutions to restore passenger train services to other provinces, split the Washuk constituency into two, and reinstate 4G internet in Panjgur. 这些决议旨在改善该区域的旅行、通信和治理。 These resolutions aim to improve travel, communication, and governance in the region. 内阁还批准了碳市场交易政策和教育项目倡议,以提高偏远地区的识字率。 The cabinet also approved initiatives for carbon market trading policies and education projects to boost literacy in remote areas.