巴基斯坦各省省长在卡拉奇举行会议,加强合作,规划今后的首脑会议。 Governors from all Pakistan provinces met in Karachi to enhance cooperation and plan future summits.
在卡拉奇举行的第一届省长峰会聚集了巴基斯坦各省的省长,以加强省际合作,加强其宪法作用。 The first Governors' Summit in Karachi brought together governors from all provinces of Pakistan to enhance inter-provincial cooperation and strengthen their constitutional roles. 峰会由信德省省长Kamran Khan Tessori牵头,重点是改善各省间的沟通和团结,以便更好地为公众服务。 Led by Sindh Governor Kamran Khan Tessori, the summit focused on improving communication and unity among provinces to better serve the public. 计划包括主办今后的首脑会议,下一届首脑会议将安排在拉合尔举行。 Plans include hosting future summits, with the next one set for Lahore.