Nyalla, 20岁的狮子,在卡普伦公园动物园, 死于除夕新年, 可能因为健康问题。 Nyalla, a 20-year-old lion at Capron Park Zoo, died on New Year's Eve, likely from health issues.
一位20岁的非洲女性狮子Nyalla在马萨诸塞州阿特尔博罗的卡普伦公园动物园(Capron Park Zoo)去世, Nyalla, a 20-year-old female African lion at Capron Park Zoo in Attleboro, Massachusetts, passed away on New Year's Eve. Nyalla与她的妹妹Kayla一起于2005年来到动物园。 2008年,Nyalla与一只叫Ramses的雄狮子一起长大。 Nyalla came to the zoo in 2005 with her sister Kayla and bred with a male lion named Ramses in 2008. 自2014年以来,两个姐妹都有肾病问题,2020年,Kayla因慢性肾病而去世。 Both sisters had kidney issues since 2014, with Kayla passing in 2020 from chronic kidney disease. 动物园工作人员观察到Nyalla的健康下降,她自然死亡。 Zoo staff observed Nyalla's health decline and she died naturally. 尸检将确定死亡的确切原因. A necropsy will determine the exact cause of death.