尼日利亚海军拦截走私者,将126袋外国大米交给海关拍卖。 Nigerian Navy stops smugglers with 126 bags of foreign rice, handed to customs for auction.
尼日利亚海军于2024年12月27日在Badagry附近拦截了6个走私嫌犯和126袋外国大米。 The Nigerian Navy intercepted six suspected smugglers and 126 bags of foreign rice near Badagry on December 27, 2024. 嫌犯和大米被移交给尼日利亚海关署。 The suspects and rice were handed over to the Nigeria Customs Service. 海军强调与海关合作打击走私,走私损害了经济和地方生产。 The Navy emphasizes collaboration with customs to combat smuggling, which harms the economy and local production. 走私者将面临指控,大米将被拍卖。 The smugglers will face charges, and the rice will be auctioned.