由于缺乏国家战略和资金,新西兰在消除宫颈癌的努力中落后。 New Zealand lagging in cervical cancer elimination efforts due to lack of national strategy and funding.
新西兰尽管致力于一项全球计划,但消除宫颈癌的努力仍然落后。 New Zealand is falling behind in its efforts to eliminate cervical cancer, despite committing to a global plan. 世界卫生组织的战略旨在让90%的女孩在15岁前接种HPV疫苗,70%的妇女在35岁前接受检查,90%的病例得到治疗。 The World Health Organization's strategy aims for 90% of girls vaccinated against HPV by age 15, 70% of women screened by age 35, and 90% of cases treated. 新西兰缺乏专门的国家战略和资金,而澳大利亚已承诺提供4 820万美元用于其战略,因而正在顺利成为第一个消灭这一疾病的国家。 New Zealand lacks a dedicated national strategy and funding, while Australia is on track to become the first country to eliminate the disease, having committed $48.2 million to its strategy.