蒙古近40%的土地面临严重的冬季危害牲畜的危险. Nearly 40% of Mongolia is at high risk of "dzud," a severe winter threatening livestock.
近40%的蒙古人面临“暴风雪”的高度风险, 严寒寒雪导致牲畜死亡, Nearly 40% of Mongolia faces a high risk of "dzud," an extreme winter condition where severe cold and snow lead to livestock deaths. 国家气象和环境监测署警告说,西部、北部、中部和一些南部省份尤其面临风险。 The National Agency for Meteorology and Environmental Monitoring warns that western, northern, central, and some southern provinces are particularly at risk. 随着去年冬天发生五十年来最严重的降雪,导致牲畜大量损失,该机构敦促做好准备,以减轻恶劣条件的影响。 With last winter seeing the heaviest snowfall in five decades, leading to massive livestock losses, the agency urges preparation to mitigate the impacts of harsh conditions.